CM Special Scheme

Last Updated on: June 10, 2022
Scheme being implemented by the Social Welfare Department Govt. of Assam in the Kamrup (Metropolitan) District
Sl. No.  Name of the Scheme Name of the Project Nos. of AWCs Total AWCs
Max Mini
1 Baidou & Nabou (ongoing) 1. Age group above 45 yrs.
2. Benefit up to Rs. 3000/- per year
3. Applicants can contact for DSWO for details
2 Baidou & Nabou (one time) 1. Age group above 45 yrs.
2. Benefit up to Rs. 10000/- per year
3. Applicants can contact for DSWO for details
3 Nabuari (ongoing) 1. Age group above 20 yrs. BPL family
2. Benefit up to Rs. 10000/- per year
3. Applicants can contact for DSWO for details
4 Nabuari (one time) 1. Age group above 20 yrs. BPL family
2. Benefit up to Rs. 10000/- per year
3. Applicants can contact for DSWO for details
5 Social Security for widow 1. Age group above 18-60 yrs.
2. Benefit up to Rs. 15000/- per year
3. Applicants can contact for DSWO for details